Saturday, August 18, 2012

Yukon Ho!

Well, today we made it to Watson Lake, in the Yukon Territory. It was an absolutely beautiful drive, although no cell phone service from the moment we pulled out of Fort Nelson, until we reached the "downtown" of Watson Lake.
 Along the way we saw caribou (I think he was eating the gravel!)...
And beautiful scenery!
We also stopped at the Liard Hot Springs, with temperatures in the water ranging from 106-125 F! Thankfully, the hot water was naturally mixing with the cooler water, so the farther pool wasn't that hot. The close one was probably around 110-115. This was a much nicer setting that the pools at Miette.

Tomorrow is on to Whitehorse, which Jason tells me is the largest city in the Yukon! Again, I don't expect to have cell reception except maybe briefly as we pass by the towns along the way.


  1. Beautiful pictures. It all looks like so much fun.

  2. Thanks Maureen, it has been a lot of fun. The pictures don't do it justice, there is such magnificence in the mountains. We've caught glimpses of the Alaska range - with Mt. McKinley - highest in North America, and it is just beautiful. I'm excited to go to Denali National Park to get a closer look! That's next week...
