Thursday, August 16, 2012

Ft. Nelson, BC

We've had a couple of really nice days here.  The campground itself doesn't hold much for the kids(they do have a restaurant/bar that Mario and I paid a visit to last night, though) .  That being said, there's a great park about a 1/4 mile from here that has a baseball diamond, tennis courts, a playground, and a sprayground too!  The kids have been going everyday to play, and today it was even warm enough to play at the sprayground.  There's also a visitor's center across the street from the park that has a good wifi signal, and is free to use.  That's been their morning activity, before the park.  In the afternoon they've been going to the local library, which has a kids reading program, and books available to buy for 10-25 cents each.

After work we've been playing family games at the park.  Monday we did a round robin tennis tournament, which was a draw between Ryan and Mario.  Last night we played baseball, but I think I've decided that it's too hard to play three on three, anybody want to join us for a game? :-)

Tonight we'll be having a fire with smore's.  We're leaving here on Friday for a 1,000 mile weekend to push on to Alaska.  The cell signals haven't quite reached a lot of northern British Columbia and the Yukon, so we're driving to spots along the way where we expect to get a signal, but by Sunday in Alaska we know we'll be good.  I think we're all looking forward to being back on US soil.

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