Sunday, August 5, 2012

Hinton, Alberta

Hi all, we had an amazing time driving up the Icefields Parkway, which links Banff and Jasper National Park.  It was truly magnificent.  So many mountain peaks just lining the highway, looking left or right.  Where Jasper Park begins to the south is the Athabasca Glacier, which is just enormous!  You have to have a guide to go on it, which we didn't, and since we had another hour to drive, we just stopped for some photos.  It's hard to see, but the tiny little specs on the ice are actually people (the longer spec is a bus!)

 We stayed at a National Park campground, which was beautiful, but only electric hookups.  Also, not much in the park for the kids to do while Mario and I worked.  Yesterday we left the park to come to Hinton, a small town just outside the park.  As we were driving, we were treated to a few opportunites for Wild Animal Photos.  The first is a Grizzly bear and her cub (to the right), and then to a trio of Elk - the third off shot in the water.

We're staying at a KOA here, so a bit more civilization, only satelite wi-fi, so it's not too good.  Tomorrow we plan to go back to Jasper Park and explore the Meitte Hot Springs.  I'm still on the lookout for a moose or a caibou, maybe we'll get lucky!


  1. Very cool to see the pictures of the wildlife - especially the grizzly. Wish I was there!

  2. Maybe you should join us! :-) Actually, Mario and I have decided that we will definitely come back here. Maybe you and Helen can come with us!

  3. Boy, do I feel loved or what!!!!!!

    1. Hey, you know you're welcome to join us anytime!! Mario thought about a backpacking trip in Jasper, but sighed, "it just wouldn't be the same..." I know he was talking about you!!! :-)

  4. My best bud...brings tears to my eyes.

    Maybe we both can hit different woods and then Skype to each other. Playing cards could be a challenge though :)
