Friday, August 24, 2012

On to Fairbanks...

Well, we've made it to Fairbanks, the northern most spot we'll reach.  The sun doesn't set until nearly 10pm, which kind of makes it a bit challenging to get the kids to bed, since it's still light out till around 11!  I think they're starting to get used to going to sleep without darkness.

On the way up to Fairbanks, we stopped in Delta Junction, at the end of the Alaska Highway, 1,422 miles from Dawson Creek. They had a nice Visitor's Center there, and since it's getting towards the end of the season everything was half price! We also had some fun with the large sculptures at the visitor's center. Really, the mosquitos aren't quite that large here (but almost!)

Here's our campsite, that's the Chena River on the right, and Ryan's "room" behind the picnic table!  It's a nice site, we'll probably stay till the middle of next week or so, then on to Denali.  One of the book's we've picked up on this trip is called "The Milepost," which is a mile by mile accounting of the major highways that lead to and around Alaska.  It's a bible to anyone taking this trip.  There's actually one of the editors staying here as she gathers more information!

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