Monday, August 20, 2012

Ahhhh Alaska!

So, we've finally made it to Alaska!  But before I get to that, I wanted to show one of the photos from Watson Lake's Signpost Forest.  It's hard to get an idea of how big this "forest" was, but suffice it to say there must have been a thousand posts, all filled with license plates, street signs, and assorted other signs.  We're thinking it might deserve a trip back to put up our own sign for Gordon's Grand Adventure!

We had a 400 mile trek today...which would normally take us about 7 1/2 - 8 hours to drive, today it took about 9!   Most of it was paved, but there was about 25 miles on and off of gravel.  The worst was a stretch of about a half mile of badly rutted gravel, where we could only go about 6 miles/hour before our teeth started chattering too much!  We told all the kids to not open any of the cabinets before Mario and I had a chance to make sure nothing would fall on them!  It was amazing how much better the roads were once we left the Yukon, and got into Alaska. 

 The scenery was beautiful, expecially while we were still in the Yukon. We stopped and had breakfast at Kluane (Kloo-an-ee) Lake , and got some great photos. Genny also took a stroll to get some pictures.

We also stopped for the Alaska sign, kind of like the ones we took on our 2008 cross country trip.  Also, one of the kids at the boundary marker.


  1. Even though I talk with you everyday, reading the blog makes it all come alive for me.
    Love you forever,

  2. I'm glad you're enjoying the blog. I like seeing where people are reading from. We've had readers from Russia, Alaska, and even South Korea!

    Love you too!
