Monday, November 19, 2012


On Monday, November 5th we boarded the plane to head back to reality, ie northwest Washington.  I think we all wanted to to stay a bit longer, except for Mario who was feeling a bit warm since the humidity had picked up.  

Karl, Robert, and Mario
While in Lakebay, I had the opportunity to have lunch with a college friend of mine, Becky.  It was really great to see her.  On Wednesday, Mario's brother Karl joined us.  We took advantage of the cool nights to have a few bonfires, which of course led to some photo opportunities.

We also had dinner with Mario's nieces, Sam and Keri, Sam's two boys, and her husband.  It was great to see them all grown up!!

Sam, Brandon, Sean, and Devon

Genny and Sean

Jason and Sean

On Saturday we left Lakebay for Seattle, Mario, Ryan, and Michael heading to the Car Museum, and Genny, Jason and I to the Pacific Science Museum for the King Tut Exhibit.  More on those tomorrow...

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