Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hawaii - Kauai!!

We left for Kauai on October 24th, a nonstop flight from Seattle.  

 Mom had also flown in for the week, and we met her at the airport on Kauai.  We spent a week in Princeville, on the north side of the island, in a three bedroom townhouse.  The location was great, we were just a short drive to Anini Beach to the east, and Hanalei Bay to the west.  Anini is good for snorkeling and is a very calm beach, Hanalei Bay has waves for novice boogie boarders and surfers.   I did some snorkeling wih Genny and Jason at Anini, and were saw sea turles!
At Anini Beach
While we were playing in the ocean at Anini, Mario and Micheal went on a hiking trip down the Napali Coast on the Kalalau Trail.  A rather grueling 11 mile trek (each way) to one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.  Check it out at :

 The tsunami warnings came at about 8pm on the Saturday night that they were up on the trail.  With no cell reception, and no park services at the end, I spent an anxious few hours hoping they got word to get to higher ground.  The wave was meant to hit at 10:28pm, but there didn't really seem to be much.  At around 10:45 the news was reporting about a one foot change in sea level.  I stayed up till almost midnight, but still no significant change, I figured the worst case would be that their tents got wet.  It was great to hear Mario's call that afternoon around 2:30 telling me they were ready to be picked up.

On Monday and Tuesday we went to Hanalei Bay, a quaint little town with a beautiful beach.  The kids and I really enjoyed the boogie boarding and body surfing.

Hanalei Bay

A very nice gentleman there with his two boys (ages 8 &10), asked if Michael would like to try surfing.  He must have let Michael take 7 or 8 runs, giving him tips on what to do and when.  Finally on the 5th or 6th time, Michael was able to get to his feet.  I think he's found a new hobby!  Too bad we don't live in Hawaii, yet  :-)

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