Monday, October 8, 2012


On Thursday, I took Genny, Jason, and Michael into Vancouver to visit the science museum there. It was a fabulous place, full of hands on activities. We got there around 1:30 to find out that they closed at 4. They enjoyed every minute, and I was threatening to leave them overnight, because I couldn't get them to go! Mario and Ryan were running around the city visiting hotels, so we took the "Skytrain" - the local rapid transit that was an easy way to get from where we were staying to where we wanted to go.
They had so much fun at the museum, that when we went back into Vancouver for the day on Saturday, it was our first stop. We spent another 2 hours there, and I think we probably could have stayed a few more, but we wanted to see more of the city and get some lunch.
We took the "Seabus" - the continuation of the train across the harbor, to Lonsdale Quay, in North Vancouver. They had a nice market there, with a food court for lunch. After the trip back across the bay, we made a stop at the Spy Store (nope, didn't find any spies there!), we headed back to the RV.

Today is Sunday, and we are now back in the US for the remainder of our trip. It seems a bit bizarre; we've logged over 8,000 miles out of the expected 14,000, in only three of our ten months! So I guess now we get to slow down the pace.

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