Saturday, September 8, 2012

I'm back! Here's Denali...

Okay, sorry to everyone for the silence.  I've really been meaning to post, and time has just gotten away from me.  So, now I'll just set the clock back to last week when we were in Denali...

We had a great time in Fairbanks, and stayed there for over a week.  It was a very nice change from the shorter stays we had been having.  During the week we received quite a few packages from home - all the kids schoolbooks, laptops, and materials for the year.  The think we added a few hundred pounds to the weight of the RV, and yes, I managed to find a place to put everything!  I didn't realize I had overlooked so much packing space, but now I'm glad I did!!

We left Fairbanks Thursday afternoon (Aug 30), for Denali, and stayed just inside the park. It was beautiful, but no hookups, no cable, just time together. Fall had come, and the colors were changing, it was really a great time to be there. Unfortunately we are still part of the 70%, apparently on 30% of those who visit Denali ever see Mt. McKinley. I still have hope, though, maybe the weather will clear when we go back to Anchorage.

While we were in Denali we went to see a dogsled demonstration. Genny really enjoyed seeing all the dogs, and wanted to know if we could adopt one!  I thought the demonstration was really cool, but I don't think I want to be around quite that much snow!

 On Saturday we celebrated our anniversary, and Jason's birthday a bit early with a chocolate cake made by Mario and Jason.  Chocolate icing with crunchy peanut butter filling, it was delicious!  Sorry, no photos because we were too busy eating!  :-)  Sunday we drove to Anchorage, and I'll tell you more about that in the next blog...I promise it won't take me so long to write it!


  1. Very cool Judie. Pictures are beautiful. Safe travels to Anchorage!!

  2. Thanks Maureen, and thanks for forwarding to Karen L!
