Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Catching up to British Columbia

Okay, so I've missed a few blogs, again I'm sorry.  The kids being in school takes up a good bit of my time coupled with more work on the Skyware front, so by the evening I'm tired of looking at the computer...But I really want to keep this up to date.  So here's a brief recap from the last time I wrote.  We were in Anchorage at the beginning of September, and had a lovely dinner out for Jason's birthday at a place called the Moose's Tooth.  Apparently one of the mountains in the Central Alaska Range.

Moose's Tooth

From there we went down the Kenai Peninsula to Homer, a "quiet little drinking town with a fishing problem!"  Where we saw our first wildlife of Alaska, a bald eagle, perched on top of a large pole.  To be honest, I thought it looked very staged!

The best part was the drive up and down the Kenai coast where we got some beautiful photos of Mount Iliamna and Mount Redoubt. Mount Redoubt is a volcano which was last active in 2009, but has been quiet lately.

Mount Iliamna
Mount Redoubt

From Homer we drove up to Seward, which was another sleepy town, it had a great little park close to Waterfront Park, which is where we stayed. The day we arrived, a cruise ship was just leaving.

One night the kids (Mario included!) had a great time playing at the park.  Atfer a few days in Homer, we went back to Anchorage, and from there started our way back down to the lower forty-eight.  We had seen that there was a chance of snow in the mountains on the way down, so we were a bit eager to be on our way.  I'll continue with our trek down the Cassiar in the next blog.


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