Thursday, July 19, 2012

Shopping Heaven!

Yesterday (Wednesday) started out rainy, with the kids staying inside to play some games, including Parcheesi.

In the afternoon, we went to Casper and Runyon's Nook restuarant for Juicy Lucy burgers (burgers with the cheese stuffed on the inside!).  So, where did the term Juicy Lucy come from?  I haven't looked it up yet, so tell me if you know!  Mario tried the 'Guy's Big Bite', named for Guy Fieri, of Diner, Drive-ins, and Dives, who went to the restaurant for the show.  We'll have to see how many more of the show restaurants we can stop at.  I'll have to agree with Guy, they were yummy!!

After an early dinner it was off to the Mall of America, 4 stories, 500+ stores, and an amusement park in the center!  Three hours just wasn't enough time for us girls, but I think the boys had had it!  Genny and I could easily spend three days!
She does look happy, doesn't she!  I think she wants to move here after college (right into the mall!).  Well, that's all for now, today we may go swimming again.

1 comment:

  1. That's funny..guys really don't like to shop. Sounds amazing AND it had rides!!
