Thursday, October 7, 2021

Welcome back to Gordon's Grand Adventure!

 So after a nearly 10 year hiatus, we are back!

The kids have all grown up and are in/out of college, so now it's time for Mario and I to do some exploring on our own. In honor of our 25th wedding anniversary last month we are wandering around central Europe. Our trip will be taking us to Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Germany, and Austria.

To begin, we flew from New York to Madrid, then on to Zurich. After a night there we took the train to Zermatt, a lovely little town at the base of the Matterhorn, which we could see from our hotel room! When we arrived on Saturday the weather was pleasant, but rain was in the forecast for Sunday. We thought briefly of taking the train up the mountain for a better view, but unfortunately it was too late in the day. It would have cost us about $125 for an hour round trip ride and about 15 minutes to take in the view.

The Matterhorn from our room            Glacial runoff?                
Part of the town surrounded by the Alps

On Sunday we wandered the town and relaxed, it was our first day without travelling, and we took advantage of it! I even got a massage at the spa at our Hotel, the SchlossHotel Zermatt. A beautiful hotel with wonderful staff! We had an excellent time there and plan to return to explore a bit more. They also had a fabulous breakfast, I thought the honeycomb was very interesting!

Next stop Lucerne!

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